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The group interview. It’s a fairly common part of the recruitment process for customer service roles – but, for most of us, it can still be pretty daunting. To help soothe any pre-interview jitters, we asked two Booking.com recruiters for their best advice.  

Michela has watched the Berlin team grow from 150 to 1,000 over the last six years, while Mike works in our ever-growing Amsterdam HQ. The experienced pair gave us their top five tips for acing that group interview:


1. Be Yourself

It might sound cliché, but both Michela and Mike agree that this is the most important advice of all. “Being authentic is very much appreciated in the group interviews” says Mike. “Show the best version of yourself, that is – the version of you in a good, happy mood with an alert state of mind.”

With people from all over the world working in our offices, we know that our differences are our strengths. “Don’t be afraid to show who you are. We are all about diversity at Booking.com, so there is space for ‘the real you’ and there is no need to wear a mask.”


2. Come Prepared

The second most important tip is to do your homework. “Make sure you understand what the role is about, what challenges it entails and what the required skills are,” Michela tells us. It’s always a good idea to read over the job posting you saw when you first applied, to refresh your memory and make some notes.

Next? “Research our company and think about specific examples, where you’ve demonstrated the skills and values we’re looking for in a customer service role.”


3. Show us your strengths

Michela stresses that, while having previous experience is a plus, it’s not mandatory. “We are mainly looking for the right attitude and cultural fit.” And after that, “it’s all about your soft skills.”

“You need some exceptional interpersonal, intercultural, time-management and communication skills to be successful in this line of work,” adds Mike. “In this job you will be dealing with customers who are abroad in a country where they do not speak the local language. When things don’t go as planned, your problem solving skills must be super strong to give them the experience they deserve!”


4. Think about what drives you

“Think about your motivation to join Booking.com in this specific position and how you can contribute to the company mission,” says Michela.

One of our values is to ‘put the customer at the centre of everything you do’, so at Booking.com, the perfect candidate has to be passionate about delivering excellent customer service. If you know that helping other people is what gets you out of bed in the morning, make sure that comes across in your interview.


5. And lastly, remember it’s ok to be nervous

“Be positive! Keep in mind that a majority of all applicants are nervous, so you are not alone,” says Mike. His best advice for keeping cool? “The trick is to keep [the nerves] under control by trusting yourself and the preparation that you’ve done before.”

 We’re growing our customer service teams worldwide. If you’re ready to put these tips to the test, take a look at our latest opportunities: AmsterdamBangkokBellevueBerlinLondon,TokyoVilnius & many more.

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