서울 영등포구 국제금융로 10서울국제금융센터 투아이에프씨 27층  
아메리칸 인터내셔널 그룹 (AIG)은 100개 이상의 국가 및 관할지역에 영업망을 보유한 세계적인 보험회사입니다. AIG 계열사들은 가장 광범위한 전세계 특종-화재보험 네트워크를 갖춘 보험사들 중 하나로서 기업, 기관 및 개인 고객들을 만나고 있습니다. 또한 AIG는 미국에서 생명보험 및 퇴직연금서비스를 제공하며 업계를 선도하고 있습니다. AIG의 보통주식은 뉴욕증권거래소 및 도쿄증권거래소에 상장되어 있습니다.
Product Developer
Product Developer
About the role
The product associate focuses on product development over the whole process in long term accidental and health product line (e.g. risk rate development, pricing, filing documentation for the approval of regulator, system implementation, finally monitoring after launching).
What you need to know:
- Act as a member of the product development team
- Develop new risk rates for the new product and update existing risk rates
- Generate premium rate and reserve rate for product of A&H long term products
- Filing documentation for KIDI/FSS approval.
- Re-pricing according to FSS regulation change
- Co-work with underwriting, claims etc. for monitoring the performance of new products
- Develop remediation plan about existing product as needed
About the role
The product associate focuses on product development over the whole process in long term accidental and health product line (e.g. risk rate development, pricing, filing documentation for the approval of regulator, system implementation, finally monitoring after launching).
What you need to know:
- Act as a member of the product development team
- Develop new risk rates for the new product and update existing risk rates
- Generate premium rate and reserve rate for product of A&H long term products
- Filing documentation for KIDI/FSS approval.
- Re-pricing according to FSS regulation change
- Co-work with underwriting, claims etc. for monitoring the performance of new products
- Develop remediation plan about existing product as needed
지원 자격
- New employee with actuarial science or 2- years work experience with product development or pricing of Life or Non-Life insurance.
- Deep knowledge of actuarial science, qualified actuary is a plus
- Excellent communication skills in Korean, and English skills is a plus
- New employee with actuarial science or 2- years work experience with product development or pricing of Life or Non-Life insurance.
- Deep knowledge of actuarial science, qualified actuary is a plus
- Excellent communication skills in Korean, and English skills is a plus
하단 지원하기 클릭 후 홈페이지 지원
하단 지원하기 클릭 후 홈페이지 지원
08월 28일 09:00 ~ 09월 11일 12:58
(채용시 조기 마감될 수 있습니다)
08월 28일 09:00 ~ 09월 11일 12:58
(채용시 조기 마감될 수 있습니다)
* 마감일은 기업의 사정으로 인해 조기 마감 또는 변경될 수 있습니다