추천 검색어

최근 검색어


SUNY Korea was established in March 2012 as the first American university system in Incheon, South Korea. In 2012, Stony Brook University which is a prestigious university that represents the SUNY system began to offer programs in South Korea as part of the Ministry of Education’s decision to serve the transnational needs for quality and global education. In 2017, Fashion Institute of Technology, a world-leading fashion school joined the cause to offer their renowned programs at SUNY Korea.

Currently, SUNY Korea offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Technological Systems Management, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Business Management, and Electrical Engineering from Stony Brook University (SBU) and associate programs in Fashion Design and Fashion Business Management from Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). Students of SUNY Korea can expect to experience authentic American higher education and they can choose to take courses in both South Korea and the U.S.
SUNY Korea was established in March 2012 as the first American university system in Incheon, South Korea. In 2012, Stony Brook University which is a prestigious university that represents the SUNY system began to offer programs in South Korea as part of the Ministry of Education’s decision to serve the transnational needs for quality and global education. In 2017, Fashion Institute of Technology, a world-leading fashion school joined the cause to offer their renowned programs at SUNY Korea.

Currently, SUNY Korea offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Technological Systems Management, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Business Management, and Electrical Engineering from Stony Brook University (SBU) and associate programs in Fashion Design and Fashion Business Management from Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). Students of SUNY Korea can expect to experience authentic American higher education and they can choose to take courses in both South Korea and the U.S.


SBU Academic Team Coordinator for Faculty of Sciences and Humanities and Library Coordinator
[Position Summary]
SUNY Korea is seeking a talented new team member to join SBU Academic Team, Academic Affairs. In this
position, an employee performs a wide variety of duties related to faculty support, faculty hiring, and other
academic-related tasks that are assigned:

▪ Providing administrative and academic support for the Faculty of Sciences and Humanities (FSH)
▪ Providing administrative assistance to FSH faculty (SBU, FIT), and the Head of FSH.
▪ Managing General Education course plans and adjunct faculty hiring for FSH.
▪ Managing the overall administration and operation of SUNY Korea Library
▪ Communicating and cooperating with IGC (Campus Main Library) to manage the Library
▪ Providing administrative support for the SBU Academic Affairs
▪ Assisting with other duties as needed

지원 자격

[Minimum Qualifications]
▪ Bachelor’s degree
▪ Fluent Communication and Documentation skills in English and Korean
▪ Knowledge of acceptable advising techniques for a diverse student body
▪ Understanding of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

[Required Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities]
▪ Strong ethics and reliability
▪ Solid organizational skills including attention to detail
▪ Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to maintain composure under stressful situations
▪ Proficient with MS Office Suite
▪ Excellent analytical, data gathering, and planning skills
▪ Ability to multi-task in a fast-paced environment
[Preferred Qualifications]
▪ Prior experience in higher education
▪ Exceptional, demonstrated skills at all levels of communication in English and Korean, including the ability to communicate openly, honestly, and respectfully with students, colleagues, and the community members to facilitate discussion and decision making


[Application Materials]
▪ Job Application form from SUNY Korea website > SUNY Korea Job Website(https://www.sunykorea.ac.kr/en/html/sub05/050402.html)
▪ Resume and Cover Letter, both in English and Korean (4 documents in total)
▪ If applicable, submit a certificate of employment with the resume
▪ GPA must be included
▪ High School information must be included
08월 16일 00:00 ~ 08월 23일 23:59
032-626-1142    recruit@sunykorea.ac.kr   

추가 정보

▪Submitted documents and other information will not be returned
▪Disqualification may occur as a result of the followings:
- Falsity / Crucial mistakes in documentation
- Deadline miss
- Out of contact
- Late arrival
▪Preferential treatment is given to those eligible for employment support pursuant to the “Act on the Honorable Treatment of and Support for Persons, etc. of Distinguished Service to the State,” and “Act on the Employment Promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities.”
▪The University may not hire new employees if there are no desirable/ strong candidates.

[Contact for Inquiries]
▪ Human Resources & Operations Team, recruit@sunykroea.ac.kr
* 마감일은 기업의 사정으로 인해 조기 마감 또는 변경될 수 있습니다

08월 16일 00:00 시작
08월 23일 23:59 마감


기업 탐색하기 🔍


크레비스는 15년 이상의 역사와 전문성을 가진, 국내에서 가장 오래된 임팩트 벤처 그룹입니다. 사회 및 공공이 해결하지 못한 영역에서 혁신적인 기술로 임팩트를 전파하고자 기업들을 발굴, 투자, 육성하고 있습니다. 2004년 창업 초기, 많은 시행 착오를 경험하며 20대 초반의 우리는 "인생의 30년 여정"에 대한 생각을 하였습니다. 당시는 사회 전반적으로 2000년대 초반의 닷컴 버블이 꺼지며 창업에 대한 부정적 인식이 확고하던 시기입니다. 그런 환경에서 지속 가능한, 그리고 사회를 변화시키는 사업을 하기 위해서는 단지 재미와 의지만이 아닌, 철학과 미션이 필요하다는 것을 느끼게 됩니다. ‘누군가는 후배들에게 취업과 진학 외에도 길이 있다는 것을 보여줘야 하지 않을까’ 라고 결심하며 과감히, 그리고 무모하게 창업과 사업이란 길을 선택했습니다. 우리가 계획한 30년 여정 중 15년이 지난 지금, 크레비스는 시장 실패 영역에서 직접 사업을 운영하며 사회 문제를 해결하고 있습니다. 또한 우리의 도전에 동참하는 용기 있는 후배들을 지지하고, 공동창업자로 육성하며, 임팩트 펀드 운영을 통해 임팩트 생태계를 확장하는 데 기여하고 있습니다. - 크레비스파트너스 홈페이지: http://www.crevisse.com
