안녕하세요 슈퍼루키 입니다!
스위스에 본사를 둔 담배 산업의 글로벌 1위 기업, 한국필립모리스의 Quality Engineer 직무 현직자인 Monisha Das님과의 인터뷰를 진행하였습니다!
슈퍼루키가 추천하는 기업인 한국필립모리스는 말보로, 팔리아멘트등의 Best-selling 브랜드와 함께 글로벌 1위로 성장한 기업입니다. 또한 국내에서 제품을 직접 생산 및 판매하고 있으며 담배 연기 없는 히팅 방식의 아이코스(IQOS)와 전용 담배 제품인 히츠(HEETS)를 국내시장에서 성공시켰습니다. 한국필립모리스의 양산공장은 국내 유통되는 담배를 자체 생산할 뿐만 아니라 뛰어난 품질을 인정받아 호주, 홍콩, 일본 등으로 제품을 수출하며 아시아 최고수준의 생산시설로 부상하였습니다.
이러한 최고수준의 생산시설인 양산공장에서 근무하시는 Monisha Das님은 한국필립모리스의 인턴십프로그램인 INKOMPASS를 통해 입사하셨으며, 인터뷰를 통해 INKOMPASS 인턴십에 대한 자세한 얘기도 들어볼 수 있었습니다.
Quality Engineer의 업무내용, 한국필립모리스의 기업문화 및 INKOMPASS 인턴십의 상세한 내용을 아래의 인터뷰를 통해 자세히 알아보세요!
1. 안녕하세요! 자기 소개 부탁 드릴게요.
I am Monisha, very recently accepted my new role as a Quality Engineer after working as an Operations Trainee in Secondary RRP Production Team for last six months.
2. 한국필립모리스는 어떤 회사인가요?
A company which has a variety of snacks & drinks available for you. Haha jokes apart. Personally I would say, PMI is a company that cares about its employees & PMK is a place that tries to blend both Korean & Global company culture in a well-balanced way.
3. 현재 담당하고 계시는 업무와 일과가 궁금해요. 회사에서 보내는 일상적인 하루는 어떻게 되나요?
As mentioned earlier, I very recently moved to a new role. So, if I explain my work as a trainee, I was executing the role of a Process Lead, for a secondary RRP production team. My main tasks included working with the line team on production floor to identify our main loss points while implementing different tools to solve it. As well as, coaching line team & then eleminating the loss points together.

4. 재택근무 진행 중이라고 들었는데, 어떠세요? 사무실에서 업무할 때랑은 어떤 부분이 가장 다른가요?
For production team, we are doing 50% WFH(Work From Home). The best part of WFH I would say is saving commuting hours.
However, as part of the production team it is always more engaging to work from the office. As a huge part of my role involves talking with operators and technicians to understand the problem’s root cause, so being able to see the machine where the problem occurred definitely makes it easier to solve it faster.
5. 한국필립모리스에서 가장 가슴이 뛰었던 순간은? 기억에 남는 해프닝을 알 수 있을까요?
I would say the moment we had to share the findings of the INKOMPASS intern project with all the management team members was really exciting, the feeling of being the project owner was great.
6. 업무하면서 힘든 점도 있으실 텐데요. 어떻게 극복하고 계신가요?
Though I am fluent using Korean, but understanding Busan/Yangsan dialect at the beginning felt quite challenging as mostly that’s the communication medium for me. Especially when anyone said any new technical word using 부산 사투리. Haha
But, now after working for the last few months here, I feel like I have started getting used to the dialect.
7. 한국필립모리스를 한 단어로 표현한다면? 왜 그 단어로 표현하셨나요?
‘Change’ – PMI is an organization which believes in positive changes & transformation, which you can experience day to day life at work.
8. 한국필립모리스에서만 느낄 수 있는 회사생활의 즐거움이나 좋은 점은 어떤 것이 있나요?
Having the INKOMPASS network is definitely a perk as the alumni really helps you to integrate in the company faster as well as to get insights from various departments’ work.

9. 사내 문화와 부서 분위기는 어떤가요? 글로벌 외국계 회사는 흔히들 수평적인 구조라고 하던데 정말인가요?
Definitely, I would like to share one of my experiences here. During the internship, my project required me to collaborate & align with different departments. I was very amazed seeing that everyone including managerial level people expressed equal importance to my meeting call & my work, rather than considering me just as an INTERN.
10. 취업을 준비하면서 회사를 선택하는 본인만의 기준이 있었나요? 한국필립모리스는 그 기준에 부합했는지도 궁금하네요.
As a person, work culture & opportunitied to explore while learning are two priorities I look first in an employer. In that regard, PMI is a great fit.
11. 한국필립모리스에 입사하게 된 계기와 과정에 대해서 조금 더 자세히 말씀해주실 수 있을까요? 치열한 경쟁률을 뚫고 합격한 자신만의 비결이 있다면?
During the On-ground Assessment(or online assessment because of COVID), I had to do four individual interviews & I was amazed to see the diversity of my interviewers. One of them even interviewed me from PMI Thailand office. That first impression about PMI made me motivted to work here.
12. 한국필립모리스에서 매년 진행하고 있는 채용 연계형 글로벌 인턴십 프로그램 INKOMPASS는 여느 기업의 인턴십 프로그램과는 어떻게 다른가요?
The project that is given to INKOMPASS interns are real projects/tasks, which would have been done by someone else anyway if there was no intern available. So, it gives you the real opportunity to work on a real project rather than typical intern tasks in many other companies.
13. 마지막으로, 미래의 INKOMPASS 후배들에게 한마디 부탁드립니다.
If you like to take challenges, and want to explore your career in a cross-functional way then definitely try applying for INKOMPASS. Best of luck & waiting to meet you at PMI.