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MediaMonks Korea

MediaMonks is a global creative production company that partners with clients across industries and markets to craft amazing work for leading businesses and brands. Its integrated production capabilities span the entire creative spectrum, covering anything you could possibly want from a production partner, and probably more.

From creative campaigns and content to bespoke development and design, MediaMonks works above the line and below the fold at the intersection of creativity and technology. Operating across teams, time zones, and technologies with an incredible in-house team of more than 1500 Monks, including recent S4Capital mergers. Its work is recognized by advertising and craft awards around the world, producing 131 Cannes Lions and 250+ FWAs to date.

Founded in 2001 and rooted in digital, you can find MediaMonks anywhere on the Web as well as in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Mountain View, Sandpoint, Toronto, New York, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, São Paulo, Dublin, London, Amsterdam, Hilversum, Cape Town, Stockholm, Kiev, Dnepr, Moscow, Nur-Sultan, Dubai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Singapore, Shanghai, Sydney, Melbourne, and Auckland.
MediaMonks is a global creative production company that partners with clients across industries and markets to craft amazing work for leading businesses and brands. Its integrated production capabilities span the entire creative spectrum, covering anything you could possibly want from a production partner, and probably more.

From creative campaigns and content to bespoke development and design, MediaMonks works above the line and below the fold at the intersection of creativity and technology. Operating across teams, time zones, and technologies with an incredible in-house team of more than 1500 Monks, including recent S4Capital mergers. Its work is recognized by advertising and craft awards around the world, producing 131 Cannes Lions and 250+ FWAs to date.

Founded in 2001 and rooted in digital, you can find MediaMonks anywhere on the Web as well as in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Mountain View, Sandpoint, Toronto, New York, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, São Paulo, Dublin, London, Amsterdam, Hilversum, Cape Town, Stockholm, Kiev, Dnepr, Moscow, Nur-Sultan, Dubai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Singapore, Shanghai, Sydney, Melbourne, and Auckland.


Solutions Engineering Intern 채용
Media.Monks is a digital-first marketing and advertising services company connecting the dots across content, data & digital media and technology services. Inspired by the connectivity and flexibility of technology APIs, Media.Monks’ single-P&L model offers brands seamless access to a nearly 6,000-strong team of digital talent organized across 57 talent hubs in 33 countries.

With us, you'll find a diverse group of colleagues with different backgrounds and perspectives. We believe everyone has something of value to offer, and that sustaining a truly diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace begins with fostering an environment where people can be themselves, authentically, every day. We want to build something with the potential to change the heart of our industry, and we’d love to include your unique perspective.

Our Solutions Engineering Intern Program is a full-time employment opportunity open to recent graduates and those who are close to graduating. We also welcome people looking for a career change and would like to dive into the exciting world of data and digital media consulting. The Intern Program typically runs for 8 to 12 weeks.

You will be exposed to the wider industry and learn specific technical skills valuable to your career.

- Designing and implementing custom data collection solutions built on the marketing and analytics platforms used by our clients.
- Developing solutions using languages such as JavaScript, Node.js and Python.
- Building innovative tools on top of advertising and analytics platforms to enhance the capabilities of our account management and specialist teams
- Providing cloud engineering services along the lines of data integration, platform migration, automating workflows and processes, tag audits and deployments, visualization, and cloud architecture consulting.
- Providing technical guidance on complicated platform and implementation issues
- Writing technical documentation and provide training on the tools we build to other engineers and account managers across the globe
- You will help clients design and implement custom data collection and processing solutions using web, mobile and cloud technologies including the JavaScript and Python programming languages.

Technology used:
JavaScript, Node.js, Python
GitHub, Postman
Google Cloud Platform (BigQuery, DataPrep, GCS, Auto ML etc)
Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics

우리를 소개합니다.
저희 미디어 몽크스 한국 인턴 프로그램은 최근에 대학교를 졸업 혹은 졸업 예정자에게 앞두고 있는 분들께 열려 있는 정규직 취업 기회이며, 데이터와 디지털 미디어 컨설팅을 위한 기술 영역의 커리어 전환을 원하시는 분들도 환영합니다.

저희 마이티하이브 인턴 프로그램은 일반적으로 8주에서 12주동안 진행됩니다! 인턴을 하시게 된다면 더 넓은 산업을 경험하셔서 커리어와 가치있는 기술을 배우고 익히실 수 있습니다.

고객이 사용하는 마케팅 및 분석 플랫폼 기반으로 맞춤형 데이터 솔루션을 설계하고 구현합니다.
JavaScript, Node.js 및 Python과 같은 언어로 솔루션 개발
광고 및 분석 플랫폼 위에 혁신적인 도구를 구축하여 계정 관리 및 전문가 팀의 기능 향상 시키는 서비스를 제공해요.
데이터 통합, 플랫폼 마이그레이션, 워크플로 및 프로세스 자동화, 태그 감사 및 배포, 시각화, 클라우드 아키텍처 컨설팅 라인을 따라 클라우드 엔지니어링 서비스를 제공해요.
복잡한 플랫폼 및 구현 문제에 대한 기술 가이드를 제공해요.
저희가 구축한 도구에 대한 교육을 전 세계의 다른 엔지니어 및 계정 관리자에게 제공해요.
JavaScript 및 Python 프로그래밍 언어를 포함한 웹, 모바일 및 클라우드 기술을 사용하여 고객이 맞춤형 데이터 수집 및 처리 솔루션을 설계하고 구현하도록 돕는 역할을 해요.
글로벌 브랜드 및 팀에 대한 본인에 대한 노출할 수 있어요.

사용하는 기술
개발 언어 : JavaScript, Node.js, Python
업무 공유 도구 : Google Drive, Slack, GitHub, Jira
분석 도구 : Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics
클라우드 플랫폼 : Google Cloud Platform (BigQuery, DataPrep, GCS, Auto ML etc)

지원 자격

These are some of the qualifications and skills we look for in our interns and graduates. If you don’t have them all that’s fine - just highlight areas that you think are most relevant in your application. Please include a copy of your academic record (or a summary of your subjects and results) within your resume.

- The final year of a Bachelor’s Degree or recently has graduated.
- Computer Science, Engineering, Data Science or related field of study
- Passion for technology as demonstrated by your projects and interests
- Basic understanding of analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and Korean
- Ability to communicate technical concepts in a simple and intelligent manner
- Ability to learn and apply new skills and tools quickly

우리는 이런 동료와 함께 하고 싶어요.
저희 미디어몽크스한국에서는 아래의 자격 요건에 해당되시는 분들을 찾고 있습니다! 만약 모든 자격 요건에 해당되시지 않으시더라도 개발하신 어플리케이션에 해당되는 항목에 표기해주셔도 무관합니다. 또한, 교육기관 혹은 대학교의 성적이나 수상이력등을 포함하여 이력서에 작성 부탁드립니다!

졸업자 또는 졸업예정자이신분
컴퓨터 공학, 데이터 사이언스, 공학계열 또는 관련된 전공이신 분
데이터 엔지니어링, Data의 ETL에 대한 이해가 있으신 분
데이터를 통한 마케팅에 대한 열정이 있으신 분
기술에 대한 개념을 간단하고 논리적으로 전달할 수 있는 능력을 갖추신 분
새로운 기술과 도구를 빠르게 배우고 적용하는 능력이 있으신 분
급변하는 환경에서 새로운 시도에 대한 열정이 있으신 분
뛰어난 유머 감각이 있으신 분 ⇒ 가산점 요소입니다!


02월 23일 00:00 ~ 01월 31일 20:47
(채용시 조기 마감될 수 있습니다)

추가 정보

구성원의 성장을 위해 업무와 관련된 교육비를 지원해 드립니다!
최고의 인성과 열정을 보유한 동료들과 함께 근무하게 됩니다!
팀 내부의 멘토링 제도 운영으로 디지털 마케팅에 대한 지식을 갖추게 하고 경력을 시작하는 상세한 학습 및 개발 프로그램을 제공해요!
다양한 직업, 의미 있는 업무, 상징적인 기업 고객과의 실무 경험을 경험하실 수 있어요!
외근와 야근시 교통비 등 업무활동비 지원합니다! (하지만 야근 거의 안해요!)
채용형 인턴십 과정이기 때문에 8~12주 이후에는 정규직 전환의 기회를 드려요!
Type of Hiring
3-month contract
The intern would have the possibility to be hired as a permanent employee after the intern program based on overall evaluation.

What we offer:
A detailed learning and development program to arm you with the necessary soft skills and knowledge of the digital marketing ecosystem and kick-start your career.
Job variety, meaningful work, and hands-on experience with iconic enterprise clients.
International exposure to a global brand and team.
The opportunity to work with leading minds in digital analytics, marketing and strategy in a nurturing and fun environment.
Mentoring from senior leaders with diverse industry experience.
A work family that cares about your health and well-being.
Must submit your resume in English!
* 마감일은 기업의 사정으로 인해 조기 마감 또는 변경될 수 있습니다

02월 23일 00:00 시작


기업 탐색하기 🔍